Moving On

There is a time in my life where I felt trapped, if not by the physical space, by the mental space that it created. A sense of complacency has taken over for too long. An inward journey can only last so long, you can only go so far before hitting the brink of insanity, where all justification and reason is internal. I want to break free, to start my outward journey, with a mind that doesn't know everything, but seeks the truths of this thing called life.

I will soon be leaving the life here in America, for a new one in Japan. Maybe a temporary life, but such are all lives, temporary. Each one leading to an end but allowing for a new beginning.

Is it the spirit of the wanderer that has put me here? Am I just on a road that my ancestors took never finding a home in the place where they begin life, always moving to find a place that may not exist. Maybe that place is just a place to lay and rest for the night.

Nobody knows why we move, what makes us tick, what that spark is, maybe it is alright just not to know. To live in a moment without the need to know the reason why. The sigh, a temporary reminder of our existence, the eternity that haunts all and nothingness that fills the space we dare note seek.

So I hope that I am able to find some solace in my future endeavors. Try to be the person I found inside of me, the person whose fear is only an obstacle that must be overcome, who can do anything, and who can be anything.

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