
Tearing Down It Down


There are memories that we cherish and those that we would rather forget. I recently went by my old school Long Beach City College and saw they were the demolishing the music building. It was sad to...

Moving On


There is a time in my life where I felt trapped, if not by the physical space, by the mental space that it created. A sense of complacency has taken over for too long. An inward journey can only last...

Everchanging Atmosphere


My life is everchanging I grasp for the things that remain true, that do not faulter, just to have them crumble to dust. I seek perfection in the things to do only to find that perfection is a mere...

The Future of Art According to AI


My motive

We are moving further into a future with AI even with the dissenting minds. I believe that using, interacting and understanding it is important for myself, and those who don't want to...

Album: Kyoto Summer Solo
Date: 2019-07
Photographs: 8
Locations: Kyoto 京都, Kinkaku-ji 金閣寺
Description: I was in kyoto and this is what I saw
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
Kyoto Summer Solo
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